This question, ingrained in me from a young age, may especially resonate with those of us raised by immigrant parents, particularly from Asian backgrounds. Over the years, as I've delved deeper into understanding myself, this question has persisted.
Growing up, I convinced myself that I didn't care about others' opinions. But in truth, I had internalised this fear of judgment. Whenever I contemplated stepping outside of the norm, this fear would rear its head, sometimes hindering my ability to pursue my true passions and dreams.
Acknowledging this internal conflict has been a journey in itself. It's natural to seek approval and validation from others, but it's not okay when it stifles our growth and prevents us from following our hearts. I've come to accept that caring about others' opinions doesn't make me weak; it makes me human.
As I've embraced authenticity and prioritised my own happiness, I've realised that these qualities are essential for effective leadership. A leader who is true to themselves can inspire others to do the same. By acknowledging and overcoming my own struggles with self-doubt and societal expectations, I've become more empathetic and understanding as a leader.
Leading with authenticity means being comfortable with vulnerability and uncertainty. It means making decisions based on values rather than fear of judgment. And it means creating a culture where individuals feel empowered to be their authentic selves, knowing that their unique perspectives and contributions are valued.
I've come to believe that it's possible to break free from societal expectations and carve out our own paths to happiness, both personally and professionally. As leaders, we have the opportunity to lead by example, showing others that authenticity and vulnerability are not weaknesses, but strengths that foster connection and growth.